Day 1
11am – 11.15am
Open & Welcome
National Careers Service sets the scene for the 3rd #ConstructLondon event plus find out how National Careers Service help and support London’s jobseekers
11.15am – 11.45am
200 & Still Counting… The varied and exciting career paths construction has to offer
Learn about Construction’s many, varied and exciting roles! You might be surprised – Construction is not all about muck & boots…
11.45am – 12.15pm
About the Mayor’s Construction Academy
An overview of the Mayor’s Construction Academy and how to use the tool to search for local training and apprenticeship opportunities in your area
12.15pm – 1pm
Unemployed & want a taste of Construction?
Find out how joining a sector-based work academy (SBWA) could be your route into a job - more and more employers are using SBWAs to build talent pools!
1pm – 1.30pm
Women in Construction
Women Into Construction will bring inspirational women to share their stories of how they entered the sector and what Construction has given them.
1.30pm – 2.15pm
London’s Training & Apprenticeship Opportunities PLUS Meet the Apprentices
Overview of the type of training in Construction on offer in London from Entry to Advanced Level, including part- and full-time courses, and apprenticeships, plus three apprentices talk about their experiences with the scheme.
2.15pm – 2.45pm
Talent Retention Scheme Explained
Find out more about what the Construction Talent Retention Scheme (TRS) do and how it is helping candidates into jobs and helping employers fill vacancies.
2.45pm – 3pm
Closing Day 1 & Overview for Day 2
National Careers Service will provide a summary of the day and demonstration on where to find out all the information for day and where to access additional resources.
To download the seminar programme for #ConstructLondon, please click the tile below: