11am to 3pm
Virtual Event (Online only)
Following the success of the first and second #ConstructLondon events in 2020, when thousands of London construction jobs, apprenticeships, training courses and opportunities were promoted across social media - #ConstructLondon is back in a new format on Thursday 15 & Friday 16 July 2021!
The concept is simple and for everyone.
#ConstructLondon is an online event delivered via social media. It provides a platform for London’s construction employers, colleges, jobcentres, local authorities, charities and others to promote job vacancies, apprenticeships, training and construction opportunities to millions of people, young and older across the capital.
The event is organised by the National Careers Service London, the Mayor’s Construction Academy, Construction Youth Trust, West London College, Go Construct and the Department for Work and Pensions.
How to take part in #ConstructLondon if you are looking for a job or opportunity in construction
On Thursday 15 & Friday 16 July between 11.00am to 3.00pm simply search on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #ConstructLondon. It is that easy!
How to take part in #ConstructLondon if you are an employer or organisation looking to promote your construction jobs, apprenticeships, training and other opportunities
- If you are a Construction employer or organisation, we'd love you to take part in #ConstructLondon!
- If you have jobs, apprenticeships, training or any construction opportunities you would like to promote, you can do this free of charge by partnering with the #ConstructLondon team!
- To join us, please email us at NCSLDN-EmployerEngagement@Prospects.co.uk and a member of our team will get in contact with you to discuss the event and how you can take part - all completely free of charge for you and your organsiation!
- This year, we're making #ConstructLondon bigger than before - we're opening up free slots for participating organisations to deliver webinars to our audience - your webinar could be an introduction to your organisation, a showcase for one of your successful apprentices or even a step-by-step walkthrough on how to apply for a role within your organisation! If you are interested in hosting a webinar at #ConstructLondon, please do get in touch with our team!
- Let your followers know in advance that you will be taking part and ‘retweet’ or ‘like’ the social media posts of others. We aim to build a massive social media audience on the day.
#ConstructLondon is a free event for everyone.
Finding a job, apprenticeship or training - made simple
For jobseekers, people facing redundancy or anyone seeking an apprenticeship, training or career opportunity in construction, #ConstructLondon provides a simple and effective way to search and find opportunities in construction. On the day of the event, simply search #ConstructLondon on Twitter or Facebook to discover a whole host of opportunities. You may also find it useful to attend our free webinars.
How to promote your offer - taking part is easy!
If you want to promote your job vacancies, apprenticeships, training, skills or other construction opportunities - get involved! #ConstructLondon is guaranteed to deliver the biggest audiences for your social media posts.
What to do
Simply share a link to your opportunities including #ConstructLondon on your post!
In the lead up to the event we recommend that you announce to your followers in advance that you will be taking part in #ConstructLondon then put out as many posts and messages as possible – job seekers, people seeking training and opportunities from all over London will be searching for your posts.
Anyone can take part
The event is open for any organisation to take part. No need to register. People and organisations taking part are strongly encouraged to like, retweet, share and support the social media posts of others. The goal is to encourage London’s construction jobs, training and skills community to come together as one to promote the industry and bring the incredible range of opportunities and careers within construction and the built environment in London.
NEW! Run a webinar for #ConstructLondon
If you would like to run your own webinar on the day of the event and have your event listed on the #ConstructLondon events page, please get in touch.
I have some questions, who can I contact?
If you have any questions regarding #ConstructLondon please contact:
Barry Mortimer, Mayor’s Construction Academy – West London, b.mortimer@wlc.ac.uk 07788 701055 for further details.