News - London

Future trends in the Healthcare Industry

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In the health care industry, you can work directly in contact with patients or in support roles which help keep the services running.

There is a high demand for nurses and the number of new jobs in personal services (care) is growing year on year. For many jobs in medicine you will need a degree and sometimes a postgraduate qualification, however from September 2017 degree level apprenticeships became an option for getting into nursing. Degree apprenticeships have also become available since autumn 2018.

Apprenticeships at different levels are also available for roles such as healthcare assistant, care worker and therapy assistant.

Problem solving ranked by employers as the most important skill for their employees – above leadership and creativity

LifeSkills created by Barclays asked UK employers across a range of different sectors and industries to choose the skills that matter most to them when building their workforce.

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LifeSkills created by Barclays asked UK employers across a range of different sectors and industries to choose the skills that matter most to them when building their workforce.

Number of European nurses arriving in UK falls from 9,000 a year to 900 after Brexit vote

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The number of European nurses arriving in Britain has fallen from about 9,000 to 900 a year since the Brexit referendum, it was revealed today.

London has the highest vacancy rate in the country and the ability to lure health professionals from the Continent is seen as a vital in plugging workforce gaps and responding to the growing demand for NHS care.

Redbridge council plans to build 600 new homes creating construction opportunities within the area

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Redbridge Council has set out ambitious plans to build 600 genuinely affordable permanent homes for borough residents struggling with the impact of austerity, spiralling private sector rents and benefit changes. Creating construction opportunities within the borough. 


What’s Your Story?

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Figuring out who we are in terms of our career identity is an activity many of us want to engage in. In careers guidance, storytelling is about asking yourselves to reflect on past experiences, present situations and future aspirations so you can then identify your values, needs, desires, strengths, and skills to find a job you love.

