News - London


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Apprenticeships are real jobs that allow you to earn a wage while you learn. They can take between 1 and 5 years to complete, depending on the level.

Working in Construction

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Jobs in the Construction industry are forecast to grow, with technology and greener construction bringing lots of new opportunities. Growth is predicted in Infrastructure (such as road and rail links) and house building.

Working in Finance

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The Fintech sector (the technology with which we pay for goods, services and transfer money) is one of the fastest growing sectors.

Technology is constantly changing work in this sector. Trends like blockchain, mobile wallets and robo advisers will become fundamental technologies and as a result the new technology will boost the number of job openings for the following roles IT-professionals, Software and Mobile App Developers, Experience Designers and Big Data Analysts.

Working in the Environment/Green Sector in London

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With the government planning to increase the number of green jobs, the demand for employees with the skills and passion to protect and preserve the environment has never been higher.

You could work in the environment sector which includes sustainability, waste management, water and air quality or you could work in agriculture which involves working with animals, crops and livestock.

What can you expect?

Most roles will involve work outdoors in all weather conditions, with some time spent in the office, depending on the role. A role in this sector could be physically demanding. The average salary is £35,000, depending on qualifications, entry level and job role.
